Monday, January 30, 2012

Planet Cookies Real or Fake


Please don't go out of your way to buy anything for this project. Students have been asked to make a cookie (or fake cookie made of cardboard/paper) the shape of a specific planet. Each planet should be made in a way to show as many details about the actual planet as possible. Students need to have a scale for their planet and facts describing the planet. We will discuss the planets in our next class and eat any real cookie planets. Points will be earned as follows: Planet's name and meaning of the name, scale -See link, and facts. No points for making it into an art project.  

Checklist & Rubric: Given in class 

Worksheet: Scale, source citation, and presentation planner

Monday, January 16, 2012

Curious About Astronomy? Ask an Astronomer

This sixth month long exposure shows, what? Picture of the Day

View the Ask an Astronomer website and look over the top twenty-five questions ask. View other questions on topics of your interest.

Report your most interesting finds for bonus points. If you come up with a question not answered on the site. Ask and let Mr. Swafford know what you learn.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Planetary Scale Model

Additional Scale Picture: Link

Planetary Scale from Chris Swafford on Vimeo.

Make your own planetary scale using toilet paper: Link

Make your own planetary scale using this site: Link -No Math Need!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Want to learn more about Space? Try Stellarium!

Download Stellarium for your iPhone or computer then explore. 

Students seeking extra credit should write a paper stating what you learned. Include specifics about the program and what it does. Additionally, how has your using the program expanded your learning from class? Share connection between class and the program. Last, get your parent/guardian to sign your paper and return it to Mr. Swafford