If you would like credit for work you do. Take these pictures and put them into a PowerPoint or Google Documents Presenter (Free with a GMail account). Show the pictures in class.
Task: Use a table tennis ball on a string to explain the the vocabulary words. Each student will take turns demoing and listening. Miss statements should be corrected.
Objective: 1. Differentiate Between Planets 2. Research & Communicate the Difference
Task: 1. Students were asked to make a planet and demonstrate specific characteristics for that planet. 2. Students compared and contrasted the planets.
Two free open source programs that offer wonderful opportunities for star gazing, knowledge gain, and general fun are: Stellarium and Celestia.
Any student wishing to learn more will receive extra credit when he/she demonstrates there knowledge of either of these programs. "If you can show knowledge gain then your grade will be increased."
Our new Enrichment classes have started... I have 8 new videos to post and will try to get them up tomorrow. Sorry, no time tonight. Students get your parents to go vote!